Proposed Amendments in the Criminal Code and associated acts

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Blog by Everstone Law Professional Corporation

Bill C-75: Parliament of Canada is revising provisions in the Criminal Code and associated acts. Under Bill C- 75: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other acts.

There are many amendments being proposed to change the way criminal practice will be conducted in Canada. Some of the revisions being implemented include but are not limited to:

  • Imposing new court procedures for responding to minor breaches (failure to appear and non compliance with bail conditions; etc.). This bill will give police the authority to require the individual to attend court for a “judicial referral hearing” rather than having the police lay a new charge.
  • Implementing new provisions with respect to domestic violence cases whereby committing the offence will be treated as an aggravating factor for sentencing and higher penalties can be imposed with respect to subsequent offences.
  • Measure implemented to reducing delay to bring a matter to trial including - restricting the availability of preliminary hearings, eliminating peremptory challenges during the jury selection process.
  • Amendments directed towards codifying the Supreme Court Decision – R v Antic (2017) regarding bail; Creating a reverse onus on bail for persons charged with domestic violence offences if person was previously convicted of this offence; implementing new requirements for sureties; and amending provisions related to mandatory reviews of detention orders.
  • Reclassifying offences - which include hybridizing indictable offences and increasing maximum penalty for summary conviction offences.
  • Amending provisions regarding guilty pleas and introducing exemptions for an offender from payment of the victim surcharges.
  • Imposing certain amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act;
  • Increasing mandatory minimum fines for impaired driving for drivers with high blood alcohol count
  • Removing offences deemed unconstitutional

For a complete detailed list of the changes being introduced and dor more information on this bill, please visit:

Mississauga Criminal Lawyer has extensive experience to guide you in your criminal matter. Call my office today to book your free consultation!

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